Sunday 13 March 2016

-Devil footprints

A few years back when i used to live in upstate New York a very strange yet creepy thing happened with me.If you've ever been to upstate New York in winters u know that it does snow a lot.I usually just spent night watching TV,i live about a mile or so from the nearest house,i was alone that day as my room mate was on a date.To be honest being alone made me really uncomfortable. I've always had many creepy imaginations  even a smallest of noise could freak me out. 
Like i was saying my room mate was out and i was home alone and it was snowing heavily,it was probably 9 or 10 at night, i was watching TV like normal when all of a sudden i heard a crunch outside like somebody was stepping on the snow. I immediately muted my TV my mind begins to write every possible explanation for the sound. I listened to it and got scared as the crunch sound was getting louder and louder as it was getting towards my cabin,I rushed towards my room and locked the door,grabbed my shotgun and held my phone in case i have to call 911, though it wasn't useful to call them anyway because if anything was going to happen it would take them such a long time to arrive in all the snow. It might seem i was overreacting but remember it was at night in heavy snow and miles away from the nearest house. Who could possibly be outside and why, then all of a sudden the footsteps stopped at some point,after sometime i eventually fell asleep
As i woke up i saw i roommate was back,i went outside to see if i could fine any evidence of who was outside,what i found still haunts me. I saw distorted footprints probably of some human coming out of the woods, doing a circle around my house, the scariest part of all was the footprints stopped outside my bedroom window. The footprints outside the window were fresh as if somebody sat there all night long, the most scary thing that still haunts me most was the footprints were also on my cabin's roof as somebody was trying to get inside through the chimney 
After few weeks i moved out,later i found out that a homeless person was murdered near that house and he still roams that area

How was the story,Tell in comments 

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