Saturday 23 April 2016

-13 Short Horror Stories Ever Told

1- In all the time i have lived in this house..I swear i have closed more doors than i have opened.

2- Being the first to respond to a fetal car accident is always the most dramatic thing i see as a police officer
but today when i went to the accident scene,the crushed body of the dead child wrapped in his car seat opened his eyes and giggled at me trying to peel himself out of the wreckage.I almost thought that it would be my last day.

3-There is nothing as pleasing as a laughter of a baby...unless its 1 am and you live alone.

4- A girl heard her mom yelled her name from downstairs,she got up and started to head down, as he got to the stairs,her mom pulled her into the room and said" I heard that too"...

5- Me and my brother shift alone tonight to a new house,but there is a face in the cellar staring at the security camera.

6- I woke up because of the constant knocking on the glass, at first i thought that it was the window i got up to check on it until i heard it coming from the mirror..

7- I put my hand on the wall to get my way in the dark...Then i felt a heart beat and i live alone.

8- My wife woke me last night to tell me that there was an intruder in the house... she was murdered by an intruder 3 years ago.

9- The last thing i saw was my alarm clock flashing 1:07 she came out of my closet,she pushed her long rotting nails in my chest her other hand muffling my screams i sat up suddenly knowing that it was just a dream.. but then i saw my alarm clock at 1:06 and i heard my closet door creek open.

10- I began getting her on her bed because it was late night and she tells me " dad someone is under my bed. I looked underneath the bed for her amusement and i saw her,another her under the bed staring back at me and whispering in fear "dad there is somebody on my bed.I looked up and saw her sitting on my bed giggling at me.

11- I was in my room studying when i noticed someone staring at me from within the dark.I ignored it thought it to be some homo but then i heard knocking at the window. I got up and checked the window and then i came in my senses and noticed that i live on 13th floor..

12- I was alone on a trip to somewhere and unfortunately i got lost then i found an old cabin within the woods i decided to stay there at night.At night i heard someone from outside, I asked who it is and got no reply i thought that it would be some who cant speak. I said are you a man clap once for No clap twice for Yes. Then i heard CLAP! CLAP!.Then i did something i shouldn't have done. I asked how many of you are out then i heard CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!...

13- I always notice my cat staring right at my face at first it was normal but then it began to creep me because my cat was always staring at me but one day i noticed that she was always staring just behind me.

And at the end some more 
- She said why i was breathing so loud.. I wasn't 
- My daughter started to cry and scream loud at middle of night..I visit her grave and asked her to stop, But it just don't work.
- She thought that why she is having two shadows.There was a only a single light bulb.
- don't be scared of monsters, just look for them, look to your left,look to your right,under your bed inside the closet,behind your dresser...but never look up,She hate being seen

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